

C++   Table Of Contents

Introduction of C++

C++ is a high–level and General purpose programming language that support various computer programming models such as object-oriented programming and generic programming. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup Read more……

Features of C++

C++ provides a lot of features that are given below.


    Ø  Simple

    Ø  Object-Oriented Programming

    Ø  Abstract Data types

    Ø  Machine Independent or Portable

    Ø  High-Level Language


Brief history of C++

During the late 1970's and early 1980's, C became the dominant computer programming language, and it is still widely used today Since C is a successful and useful language but there arises a need for something else existed, the reason is complexity.

Need arise due to complexity and C++ is a response to that need. Once a project reaches a certain size, its complexity exceeds what a programmer can manage.

By the early 1980's, many projects were publishing the structured approach past its limits.Read more…….

Interesting fact about C++

The fact that C++ has been around for roughly 40+ years is due to a variety of factors, including its dependability, maturity, and versatility. C++ continues to be at the center of many programming curricula because of its quick speed and flawless performance, Read more……

Difference Between OOP And POP

Definition of OOP:-

                                    Oops is stands for object oriented programming. It is a programming language model organized around objects. One of the great benefits of oop is that of scalability, with objects and definition having no finite limitation. In oop, Read more…..

Concept of OOP ( Object oriented programming language )

The programming paradigm where everything is represent as an object, is known as truly object oriented programming language. The main aim of object oriented programming is to implement real world entities i.e. object, classes, Read more……..


A C++ program is organized in a particular and unique way. The following components make up a program in C++:Read more……



Frist program in C++ ||  hello world in C++

Our program's first line is a comment line. Every line that begins with two slash signs (//) is regarded as a comment and has no influence on the program's behavior or conclusion. (Words between /* and */ are also treated as comments (old-style comments Read more………

Comment in C++

Comments can be used to explain C++ code and Comments are portions of the code ignored by the compiler which allow the user to make simple notes in the relevant areas of the source code.Read more…….

Tokens in C++

A C++ program is written using these token, white space, and the syntax of the language.

Most of the C++ token are basically similar to the C Read more……..

Keywords in C++

The keywords implement specific C++ language feature. They are explicitly reserved identifiers and cannot be used as names for the program variables or other user-define program elements. Read more……

 Identifier in C++

 Identifier refer to the name of variable,, function, array, classes, etc. created by the programmer. They are the fundamental requirement of any language. Each language has its own rules for naming these identifiers Read more........

 Basic Data Type And Variable In C++

 In the C++ programming language, you need to use various variables to store various information. Variables are nothing but reserved memory locations to store values.Read more...

 Constant in C++

 Constants are refer to fixed values that do not change during the execution of a program. Like C/C++ support several kinds of literal constant. They include integer,  characters, floating point number and strings. Literal constant do not have memory locations. Read more.....


 In a C++ language have Data Modifier keyword that use to modify the data type in C++. By this modifier we can increase and decrease the storage range of the data type. Read more.....









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