Difference between python and C++ | C++ vs Python

Difference between Python & C++ | C++ vs Python 

Python and C++ both are the programming languages used for general purpose but both Python and C++ languages differ from each other in many ways. C++ is originated from C language with multiple paradigms and provide the feature of compilation.
Python is a general purpose and one of the high-level programming languages. A variable can be used directly without its declaration while writing code in python.

Basic of python and C++

Python is a flexible, object-oriented, and open source programming language designed to optimize development speed and make it easy to write software that can be understood, reused, and modified. It is specifically designed to raise development quality expectations in the scripting domain. It is also one of the most preferred choices as a first programming language. C++ was created as an extension of C and its core application domain is systems programming in the broadest sense. C++ is a general purpose programming language which is best suited for resource-constrained applications, such as those found in software infrastructures.

Nature Of Python And C++

Python is a dynamically typed language which looks like it was designed and not accumulated. It has a minimalist design that makes code easy to understand and easy to predict. In fact, Python is both dynamically typed and strongly typed language in which type checking is done at run-time and variables cannot be implicitly coerced to unrelated types. C++, on the other hand, is a statically typed language in which variable types are explicitly declared and are determined at compile time. Static typed languages like C++ associate types with variables, not with values.


Python’s standard implementation is currently coded in C, so all the normal rules about mixing C programs with C++ programs apply to the Python interpreter. When Python is embedded in a C++ program, there are no special rules to follow – simply link in the Python library and call its functions from C++. Python is well suited for modern software methodologies such as modular, structured, and object-oriented design, which allow code to be written once and reused many times. C++ is a low level language which makes it less versatile and more difficult to learn than Python.

Memory Management

Python uses dynamic memory allocation process which involves a private heap containing all Python objects and data structures and the garbage collector automatically returns memory to the system when it’s no longer been in use. The inbuilt garbage collection system ensures efficient memory management. C++, on the other hand, does not need a garbage collector because it has no garbage which in turn makes it more prone to memory leak. Memory management in C++ is both prone to errors and time consuming. The difference is a tradeoff between performance and safety.

Head to Head Comparison between Python & C++

So no.

·        Python uses Garbage Collection.
·        C++ does not using Garbage Collection.
·         Python is a dynamically typed language.

·        C++ is a statically typed language.
·        Python is run through an interpreter.
·         C++ is pre-compiled.
·        While writing code in Python, a user doesn’t need to mention the type of data before using it, consequently making the length of the code shorter and easier to maintain. For example, in C++, a user must declare int a=5 whereas in Python a=5 is sufficient.
·        In C++, the developer needs to declare data type before using it. Therefore, it is less ambiguous regarding what the codes do, and error handling becomes easier than python.
·        Python is known for its simplicity, easy to read concerning code and recognized as one of the high-level programming languages. Python consists of inbuilt constructs which have the feature of executing clear code on small as well as large scale. Python is an object-oriented programming language.
·        C++ is also called an intermediate-level programming language as it is developed using both low-level and high-level language   features. C++ also supports object-oriented functionalities like the concept of classes, operator overloading, multiple inheritances, virtual functions, exception handling etc.

·        C++, these days, is generally used for designing hardware. It is first described in C++ followed by its analysis, architecturally constrained and planned to develop a register-transfer level hardware description language.
·        Python is used as a scripting language, and at times it is also used for the non-scripting purpose. Also, Python has a standalone executable application with the help of some existing tools.
·        It is easier to learn and write code is python than c++.
·        It is less versatile and more difficult to learn than python
·        Rapid prototype is possible due to small size of code.
·        Rapid prototype is not possible due to large size of code.
·        Python is hard to install on a Windows box and thus makes distribution of the program problematic.
·        No difficult to install in window box
·        Variable are accessible even outside the loop.
·        Variable scope is limited to within the loop
·        Easier to maintain, object-oriented and simple to use.
·        Less clean and manageable in comparison to python

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