How to Add two number in C++

How to Add two number in C++

Hello friends in this post I am teach you how to add two number in C++.

class add
int a;
int b;
int c;
void addition(void);
void  add::addition(void)
cout<<endl<<"please enter the value of a and b:";
cout<<endl<<"the sum of those numbers:-"<<c;
void main()
add A;

The output of the program is given below. 

In this program,

I am using class to add two number, we can also add two number without using class_name is “add”.

class add {}

We using three variable a, b, c and its publically defined in class datamember. where a, b is a number that you enter to add and c include result of this two number.

int a;
int b;
int c;

In the class member function we create a function that include all instruction to add two number. my function name is “addition” and it is a void function and its arguments also void.

void addition(void);

We call the function outside of the class by using scope resolution operator ::

 void  add::addition(void) {}

cout, The cout object in C++ is an object of class iostream. It is used to display the output to the standard output device i.e. monitor.

cin, The cin object in C++ is an object of class iostream. It is used to accept the input from the standard input device i.e. keyboard.

In this function you can see the use of cout and cin:-

void  add::addition(void)
cout<<endl<<"plese enter the value of a and b:";
cout<<endl<<"the sum of those numbers:"<<c;

 And we using main function to call the class by using object of that class:-

void main()
add A;               //object created
A.addition();      //call the function by using object 

Output of the program:-

please enter the value of a and b: 12 13
the sum of those numbers:-25

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