Introduction of python



Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language.
It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. Python is a very simple programming language so even if you are new to programming, you can learn python without facing any issues.

The initial version was published in 1991, and version 1.0 was released in 1994.

Python 2.0 was released in 2000, and the 2.x versions were the prevalent releases until December 2008. At that time, the development team made the decision to release version 3.0, which contained a few relatively small but significant changes that were not backward compatible with the 2.x versions. Python 2 and 3 are very similar, and some features of Python 3 have been backported to Python 2. But in general, they remain not quite compatible.

Both Python 2 and 3 have continued to be maintained and developed, with periodic release updates for both. As of this writing, the most recent versions available are 2.7.15 and 3.6.5. However, an official END OF LIFE DATE OF JANUARY 1, 2020 has been established for Python 2, after which time it will no longer be maintained. If you are a newcomer to Python, it is recommended that you focus on Python 3, as this tutorial will do.

 Python used for:

  • web development (server-side),
  • software development,
  • mathematics,
  • system scripting.

 What Can You Do with Python?

You may be wondering what all are the applications of Python. There are so many applications of Python, here are some of the them.·

         1. Web development –

 Web framework like Django and Flask are based on Python. They help you write server side code which helps you manage database, write backend programming logic, mapping urls etc.

     2. Machine learning – 

There are many machine learning applications written in Python. Machine learning is a way to write a logic so that a machine can learn and solve a particular problem on its own. For example, products recommendation in websites like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay etc. is a machine learning algorithm that recognises user’s interest. Face recognition and Voice recognition in your phone is another example of machine learning.

  ·         3. Data Analysis –

 Data analysis and data visualisation in form of charts can also be developed using Python.

 ·         4. Scripting –

 Scripting is writing small programs to automate simple tasks such as sending automated response emails etc. Such type of applications can also be written in Python programming language.

  ·         5. Game development – 

You can develop games using Python.

 ·         6. embedded applications--

You can develop embedded applications in Python.

  ·         7. Desktop applications – 

You can develop desktop application in Python using  library like TKinter or QT.   

           8. Python can be used alongside software to create workflows.
           9. Python can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development. 

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